Mattson Joinery - Doors
We can supply the following range of fire rated products to meet your needs. All products have been tested and comply to AS/NZS 1905.1 with products up to -/60/60 rating

These include:
  • 30 and 60 minute Singles and Pairs
  • 30 minute Double Action Singles and Pairs
  • Door can be glazed in a variety of insulated and non-insulated glasses
  • Side Panels and overpanels can be included to the doors
  • Glazed Side Lights and overlights
  • Fire rated Grilles
Timber Fire Windows up to 60 minute rating.

Mattson Joinery - Fire Doors
Smoke Doors - We can supply prehung solid core smoke doors or alternatively offer a replacement smoke door leaf and grooved doorstop and smoke seal as a kit.

Fire Rated Window
Fire Windows

Mattson Joinery - Fire Doors
Mattson Joinery - Windows